Summer Note From Grant&Hali



As I write this summer note, we have returned from Italy, caring for my mother, who is recovering slowly. First, we’d like seriously thank everyone who prayed for us. We can honestly say we felt your prayers in every moment for presence, strength, and guidance. Especially regarding the steps towards my Mum’s salvation, who accepted Yeshua and asked Him into her heart. What a moment it was for us personally to witness this as well as to be involved.

Our God is so faithful. If only the world could know His love, how much He really cares for us and the explicit details He is actually involved in, it just blows my mind. It is way beyond my comprehension to fathom, yet so real. Thank you Father, Yeshua, and Holy Spirit.

Please continue to pray for my mum; she is in recovery but is still very weak. And please pray that this seed of salvation will take root in her. She now seriously thanks me whenever I pray for her on the phone.

Ministry Update

The month of May before Pentecost is our second busiest time of the year, moving into the 10 Days up to Pentecost and now working with the IPC (International Prayer Connect) and 10 Days of Prayer ministry to focus on worldwide prayer for the salvation of Israel.  Grant spoke at the Cornerstone Church in Plainsboro, NJ, introducing The R911 Project at the beginning of May and then at the 10 Days Summit in Grove City, PA, going deeper into John 17. Click here to watch the Cornerstone message.

Then, on Pentecost weekend, we helped to organize a specific 24-hour prayer focus for Israel led by numerous Israeli, Arab, and Messianic leaders from the nations. The focus was on deeper understanding and prayer for Israel, the Church, and the Jewish people. 

Grant led two hours of prayer during this focus, the first praying through Romans chapter 11 and the second going deeper into John 17, love and unity in TONM. During the John 17 hour, the Holy Spirit took us deeper into the Father’s Heart and the Presence of God, including a time of sovereign silence, connecting the Glory of God to the love and unity shared by the Father and Yeshua, and Yeshua and the Father and with one another. It was a very special time with the Father and Yeshua through the Holy Spirit. You can watch the John 17 hour of prayer here.


As mentioned in April, we are sensing a deeper connection to the UK. This month, we were invited onto a virtual prayer call by Annette Powell of Echad Ministries, who has a strong ONM following in England. It was most probably one of the best, most straightforward teachings Grant has ever done on The Reconnection and R911 Project teachings, and if you can make time, we would encourage you to watch it, especially if you are new to R911. Please click here.

R911 Project Media Platform

The Media Platform is expanding, especially on social media, where we are beginning to advertise the R911 Project. Followings and engagement are increasing nicely. Our media team is gearing up for our first advertising campaign in the fall.

Over the last five months, I have done over forty radio and TV interviews promoting R911, often discussing current events around the explosion of antisemitism worldwide. We have uploaded many of these interviews to our new Media page, where you can view and listen. You can also always listen to our latest interview, highlighted in red on the media page. 

We have also begun reaching out to many of our ministry partners, Churches, and Congregations, plus hundreds of Watchmen, already tracking in the message, asking them to partner with it and engage in the R911 Project teaching course. 

We are working on a new brochure with a similar focus to the new website that promotes the free abbreviated teaching series that will go out in August. Please pray on this with us, as it is essential now for the body to go deeper into John 17 love and unity and to rid itself of all negative influences holding us back.

This month, we finished season one of R911 Project TALKS, culminating with George Flores of Eastern Gate Radio interviewing Grant. 

Season Two will begin in September with a continued list of exceptional leaders moving in The Reconnection message. Please click here to view.

Over the Summer, we will be hosting special guests Chad Holland and Jeanne Miterko in The R911 WATCH. They will discuss and lead in prayer on The Reconnection message and the great need now for the Church and Messianic bodies to engage in The R911 Project teachings.

Worship & Watchmen Mission Poland 

We are moving ahead with the mission to Poland. The flyer and sign-up sheet are attached below. Space is limited to 24, and if you would like to join us, please fill out and mail the sign-up sheet with the deposit to our PO Box address. Please contact Hali to discuss airfare times before booking them to help coordinate departures and arrivals.

We obviously continue to pray for Israel and this conflict with Palestinians and the war with Hezbollah, along with other prayer issues. Please click on our monthly prayer link here to read. As always, thank you for your prayers and support; we couldn’t do this without you. As always, thank you for your prayers and support; we couldn’t do this without you.

Have a great summer everyone.

Lots of love in Yeshua,

And for His Glory!