Moving into deeper places of prayer
Learn how these two major prayer themes are intrinsically linked
Become a part of this end-time prayer focus
Become a part of the fight!
Learn how God's children from the nations can fulfill their role and calling back to the Jewish people.
This secret is a power equation for the gospel to the nations.
Discover the need now for the Church and Messianic bodies to come together in love and unity.
The catalyst, the Reconnection key, the igniter that opens the door to God's end-time plans.
Understanding the difference between the call and just connecting to Jewish Roots.
We must rediscover the love and liberty that exists in the Olive Tree, in the Ekklesia/Church in the Father’s Heart.
Jewish believers need to honor and bless the Church
Discover the natural spiritual hebraic roots and heritage the Church lost when it merged with Rome.
We must now recognize the Father’s plan to restore His family to Himself to unite the Bride and prepare her for God’s end-time plans.
Understanding The Reconnection message lays a foundation and empowers the body with a renewed authority from heaven to pray for ALL OTHER divisions that separate God’s Family.
Jewish and Gentile believers need to become ONE again to fulfill the Father’s end-time plans
We need to get free of these negative influences that have plagued the Church
We must understand this if we are going to get totally free!
We must go deeper now!
Understand the changes and modifications God is calling us into to prepare for the end days before Yeshua returns.
But we must learn to overcome.
The devil will do everything in his power to resist this Reconnection message in TONM
Understand the difference.
We must not miss it!
A key for our time!
We must take our stand but also love like Yeshua/Jesus does
We must be free to be led by the Holy Spirit in how we express ourselves in our worship and our traditions
Essential for God's end-time plans
It's all about Yeshua/Jesus's unconditional love
Defining The Reconnection - 3 Points
Defining The Reconnection Message - 3 Points
The Judgement is coming but are we ready?
Jerusalem is not the Church, it is a city in Israel that our Lord Yeshua/Jesus will return to. Learn about your role in this call.
Learn about the fruit that we will experience in the Church as we reapply this Kingdom Principle.
Learn how you can partner with God towards Israel's Salvation and the end-time harvest.
Learn about the order of Israel's Restoration.
Are we in agreement with our Father's promises to restore Israel? And can we partner with Him to see Israel's Salvation
A fresh way of seeing Scripture as we enter the time for Israel's salvation.
Learn how our refocus on Israel's SALVATION completes God's end-time plans.
Father Knows Best!
A special bond of love and unity
We must discern the times!
Church as usual will not cut the cheese!
Discover what these battles are and our involvement.
Are you beginning to prepare for the Lord's return?
A view to this new season as the Bride begins to make herself ready for the Bride-Groom.
Discover this balance and how we can still be used in the process.
When has God ever done anything Major on the earth without using an Intercessor to help bring it to pass?
Discover the role we, the end-time Church has to play for this to take place.
Will we have involvement and partnership in the end-time battles of the Lord for the Kingdom to come on the Earth?
Are you ready for the end-times, are you preparing?
But are we beginning to prepare for this period on the Earth?
Learn about Messianic Eschatology.
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Learn how and why a strengthened Messianic body is a greater ticket to Israel's salvation.
Discover greater insights from the Holy Spirit to help us understand our end-time roles.
Learn about the principles we need to navigate these end of days in the Ekklesia/Church.
Discover the Bullseye to this Reconnection and Alignment message in the family of God.
Learn what needs to be corrected in the Ekklesia/Church now that Israel is awakening.
Learn about God’s plan in us to restore love and unity so HE can send the fullness of Glory upon His Ekklesia/Church.
Discover the journey here and the adjustments needed now to move into God’s end-time plans.
Learn more about our Jewish believing family and their significance to us now to complete the family of God.
Learn how the Church needs to embrace our Jewish believing family and to support their identity in Mashiach, in Christ.
Learn about the beginnings of Jewish ministry and the Messianic Movement.
Discover how God used Derek Prince to break up the ground and stronghold of Replacement Theology in the Church.
Discover how this happens.
This will not ALL happen at the end.
Israel suffers judgment, dispersion but then RESTORATION.
Learn about the connection here and how we need to comfort Jewish people now (see Isaiah 40:1-2).
We need to rediscover purpose and function of the law to bring sin into account.
“What then/ What the people of Israel sought so earnestly they did not obtain, the elect did, but the other were hardened' - Rom.11:7
“I ask then: Did God reject His people? By no means! - Rom.11:1
One Olive Tree with unique expressions from all of His children.
Discover how the end-time Church has a huge role to play in Israel’s salvation.
Does anyone ever talk about the mountain that Yeshua/Jesus cast into the sea?
Now that Israel is awakening, discover how the union between Jewish and Gentile believers is essential to God’s end-time plans.
Discover what Scripture says about this.
Is the Church Israel? Is Israel the Church? We need greater clarity here!
Discover why The Reconnection message is only being made known now during this time of Israel’s spiritual awakening and not in the Church age.
Discover the time period we are in before Yeshua/Jesus returns and how His Body needs to prepare for it.
Understanding the Significance of Restoration in God’s believing family and ALL that it means to God’s end-time plans for the last great Harvest, Israel’s salvation, and the Return of the Lord.
Listen to the very core message of The Reconnection in John 17 and The One New Man
We must be honest with our past if we want the Father to clean us up and get us ready for His end-time plans
Learn how past actions of the Church against the Jewish people are still affecting the Church today and how Yeshua/Jesus wants to free us from these past influences.
Learn how the enemy has used these influences against us in the Church.
Gain a deeper understanding of Generational influences and how to break them off!
How they can affect us and how to break them off!
Learn how the enemy has been using this. And how the Father wants it broken off His children in the nations to prepare us to become closer with Israel and especially our Jewish believing family.
Why this must happen before the Lord can return.
Discover why reunion with our Jewish believing family in The One New Man is so important to God’s end-time plans.
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Do you believe John 17 love and unity in The One New Man is a pathway to the end-time awakening and revival?
Learn how the devil has used Generational Antisemitism against us in the Church and how we can get free from it.
Learn about Antisemitism in the Church and how to rid ourselves of its influences.
How can I learn to become more sensitive in the way I communicate and share my faith with Jewish people?
Grant Berry takes us deeper into understanding the significance of The Reconnection message as it applies to each of us in these end days. The Reconnection message has been hidden during the Church age and must now come to light for God’s end-time plans to be revealed. Learn how we need[...]
Grant Berry takes us deeper into understanding the significance of The Reconnection message as it applies to each of us in these end days. Learn why a Reconnection in The One New Man (TONM) is needed now as we move into Israel’s awakening and how this affects us personally.
Grant Berry takes us deeper into understanding the significance of The Reconnection message as it applies to each of us in these end days. The Romans 911 Project Podcast The names of the two podcasts are - Understanding the fullness of The Reconnection message, personally and for the Ekklesia/Church: Part One[...]
Grant Berry takes us deeper into understanding the significance of The Reconnection message as it applies to each of us in these end days. The Romans 911 Project Podcast The names of the two podcasts are - Understanding the fullness of The Reconnection message, personally and for the Ekklesia/Church: Part One[...]
Grant Berry begins to touch on the shift that is taking place in the Body of Messiah/Christ to prepare us for these end of days and the great need to be able to recognize it through the eyes of the Father.
Grant Berry begins to touch on the shift that is taking place in the Body of Messiah/Christ to prepare us for these end of days and the great need to be able to recognize it through the eyes of the Father.
Grant Berry begins to touch on the shift that is taking place in the Body of Messiah/Christ to prepare us for these end of days and the great need to be able to recognize it through the eyes of the Father.
Grant Berry touches on the Unique transaction that is about to take place in the Body of Messiah/Christ between Jewish and Gentile believers now that Israel’s spiritual awakening is upon us.
Grant Berry introduces The Romans 911 Project and its significance in the Restoration of The One New Man and John 17 love and unity, along with a description of the books and written materials.
The Romans 911 Project is establishing a pathway for Restoration and Reconciliation to take place in the family of God. We call this message “The Reconnection.” Every episode is a comprehensive study in The One New Man (TONM), between Jewish and Gentile believers and between all races and tongues that[...]