Recommended Readings

In accordance with John 17 love and unity in The One New Man

Click on each book cover image to acquire book.

The New Covenant Prophecy 

by Grant Berry

Jewish Testimony – Grant’s early years

The Ezekiel Generation 

by Grant Berry

First book on The Reconnection 

Romans 911

by Grant Berry

New Wineskin – Personal and Corporate Reform for the End-days Ekklesia/Church

Romans 911 Study Guide

by Grant Berry

New Wineskin Transforming the Body and the Church for the end-times

Latest Reads

10 Days: The Unlikely Story of a Global Movement Mourning for the Return of Jesus

by Jonathan Friz

The Global 10 Days Prayer Movement

Prayer Strategies for Breaking the Curse of Genocide Against the Jews

by Zeb Bradford Long

Calling Christians to Stand with the Jewish People

Igniting Revivals in the Power of the Holy Spirit: Biblical Keys for Great Moves of God

by Richard Foster

The history of Revivals connected to the last Great Awakening

Apostolic Foundations

by Art Katz

A Classic to the end-time reforms of the Church 


by Asher Intrater

Reconnection perspective from Israel

Rees Howells Intercessor

by Norman Grubb

101 for Intercession 

Celebration of Discipline

by Richard Foster

Best book on getting daily discipline

Awakening The One New Man

by Robert Wolff 

Best start for One New Man 

Your People Shall Be My People

by Don Finto

Best start for One New Man 

One New Man

by Reuven Doron

First modern book on One New Man 

Love Revolution 

by Gaylord Enns

Learning about Liquid Love

Hearing Love

by David Lee Brown

Learning about Liquid Love

God’s True Love

by David Harwood

Learning about Liquid Love

One New Man

by Ariel Laurence Blumenthal

Reconciliation in TONM

Ben Israel

by Art Katz

Classic Jewish Testimony 


by Stan Tulchin

Most Popular Jewish Testimony 

Jewish Roots

by Dr. Daniel Juster

Balanced Messianic Judaism 

Of Whom Do The Prophets Speak? 

by Howard Morgan

Equipping Jewish Witness and Evangelism 

Christian Antisemitism

by Dr. Michael Brown

Truth of the Church’s past concerning Antisemitism 

The Real Kosher Jesus

by Dr. Michael Brown

Rediscover the Jewishness of the Gospel and the Church 


by Dr. Daniel Juster

A Messianic perspective to Eschatology 

Experiencing The Depths of Jesus Christ 

by Jeanne Guyon

Best on learning to meditate Scripture 

Catch & Release

by Robert Wolff

Rediscovering Discipleship and becoming Fishers of Men

Sitting With Seamoor

by Robert Wolff

Discover the boundaries that separate secular discourse from spiritual truth.

Kingdom Calling

by Robert Wolff

Reestablishing Kingdom dynamics in the last days 


by Earl Clampett

Hebrew thinking verses Greek mindset 


by Earl Clampett

Returning us to the Father

Tabernacle Prayer

by Audrey McIntyre

Going deeper into the heart of Prayer

For The Sake of The Fathers

by David Harwood

God’s love for the Jewish people

Who Ate Lunch With Abraham

by Asher Intrater

The appearances of God in Scripture in the form of a man


by Abner Suarez

New Wineskin – Personal & Corporate Reform 

Eye to Eye

by William Koenig

Facing the consequences of diving Israel

Grace Beyond Reason

by Jerry Miller

Unraveling the Grace of God

Why Me?

by Jacob Damkani

Israeli Jewish Testimony 

Beyond The Open Door

by Gary DePasquale

Getting ready for the last days 

What About Us?

What About Us?

by Eitan Shishkoff

Israel and the Church

Have You Seen the Lamb?

by Robert Wolff

The story of the first Passover and the Last Supper