Any amount every month
Any amount
$54 One-time
$36 One-time
$18 One-time
You may also mail checks to:
Reconnecting Ministries
PO Box 855, Armonk, NY 10504
If you’d like to make donations through you bank ACH please click here and request information
We believe all giving should be led of the Holy Spirit; therefore, we do not ask directly for money. We ask that you would pray and ask God if you should become a ministry partner in helping give Chai/Life to The Reconnection ministry.
As the mystery to awaken Israel unveils before our eyes, and its most vital connection to the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and in gathering of souls from the nations, the spiritual Reconnection in The One New Man between Jewish and Gentile believers (Israel and the Church) moves to center stage for the body of Messiah/Christ.
In this light, it is now crucial for the Gentile Church to embrace The Reconnection message. Up until this time, it has been mostly concealed (unseen or unrealized) in the Church just as the mystery to establish the Gentiles into the faith was hidden from prior Jewish generations(Ephesians 3:2-10), except the opposite is now true.
With this in mind, we need your help to support this reconnection mandate and give it Chai/Life, to help awaken the Church, so she can fulfill her end-time role in releasing God’s mercy back to Israel (Romans 11:30-32). And to awaken the Messianic body to spiritually reconnect with their Gentile believing family.
* The word Chai means life and equals the number 18. A lot of Jewish people give gifts of Chai in units of Chai to their synagogues and charities.
“They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.” (Romans 15:27)
Reconnecting Ministries
PO Box 855
Armonk, NY 10504