Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord

Messiah’s House is now a part of Reconnecting Ministries. It is a unique Messianic expression dedicated to celebrating the Feasts of the Lord as a New Covenant expression in Mashiach/Christ.

Our mission and goal are to help God’s children from the nations Reconnect to their Jewish believing family, and to their Jewish roots and heritage. To rediscover the richness of the Feasts of the Lord in Spirit and Truth, and without legalism.

All of our Messiah’s House meetings are aired in the Global Family Prayer room (24/7/365) and with 10 Days of Prayer with worship from Karen Davis in Israel.

Come join us to celebrate:

The Passover
The Ten Days of Awe
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur

10 Days

10 Days of Prayer during the Days of Awe from September 15-2510 Days is a 24 hour, 10 day prayer meeting on Zoom and in physical locations around the globe. You can join anytime online during 10 Days, join a location expression of 10 Days near you, or lead a local gathering with other believers in your area.

This year, 10 Days Virtual will be focusing on Kingdom Family crying out for the Harvest as we join with Children leading many of our Prayer Hours from around the world! We’re excited to see what the Lord is going to do through us all coming to Him as Children this year!

During the Days of Awe (Sept 15-25), we will have 24/10 prayer virtually with a teaching time at Noon Eastern (7pm Israel)10 Days will begin September 15th Noon ET(7 PM Jerusalem) and will conclude September 25th 1 PM ET (8 PM Jerusalem).

Celebrate Passover 2024

To join the meetings, please follow these steps:

1. Click here to visit the GFP website

2. Click “Register for Free Now” at the top of the page

3. Fill out your information, and you will receive the Zoom information in your email

4. Please save this Zoom information to join.

Note: Please do not share the Zoom information publicly or on social media

Hanukkah and Christmas Article by Grant Berry

A great read for Holiday Discussion

Watch Our Recent Feast Celebrations for Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah 5785/2024

Yom Kippur 5784/2024​
Rosh Hashanah 5785/2024​

Reconnecting Ministries articles, published in Charisma News and Charisma Magazine about the feasts.

How Hanukkah and Christmas are Forever Connected Through Yeshua/Jesus

Published: December 23, 2022
Publication: Charisma News

Read Article

Understanding the Feasts of the Lord for Christians

To learn more about the Feasts of the Lord, Valerie Moody has written a best-selling book explaining and unpacking the Feasts. Please visit her website here.

Reconnecting Ministries articles, published in Charisma News and Charisma Magazine.