Reconnecting Ministries was founded in 2013 to introduce and promote The Reconnection in the Father’s Heart between Jew and Gentile in The One New Man (TONM), near and far, until it is fully embraced into the Church and Messianic bodies.
Our ultimate goal is to help restore love and unity between all races and tongues in the family of God according to Yeshua/Jesus’s prayer in John 17, for the preparation of the Bride, the Reformation of the Ekklesia/Church, the last great Harvest of souls, Israel’s salvation, and the Lord’s return.
Grant&Hali Berry travel extensively across the USA, Israel and internationally, bringing The Reconnection message wherever they go. They are helping to awaken the Church and Messianic bodies to step into the Father’s Heart to reunite His family into John 17 love and unity, and mobilizing them into the fray.
At Reconnecting Ministries, we believe that God is moving His Body into the Restoration of all things and that before He can send the fire and the fullness of His Glory upon us, Yeshua’s prayer of John 17 needs to be fulfilled. This is going to require a different approach from His Church, especially now Israel is awakening, and we draw closer to their spiritual Restoration; there is a great need to restore love between us and rebuild the spiritual walls of the Ekklesia.
We believe this Restoration in TONM is a pre-requisite from the Father who (through our prayers and repentance) is now unveiling His plans for this to take place, for His Holy Ekklesia/Church to arise out of the increasing darkness.
Perhaps the insights and wisdom of the tribe of Issachar or the Bereans may help us at this time; they are the ones who correctly discerned the time and then appropriately responded to it. Like David, we need to discover the correct procedure and plan to move the ark, His Holy Temple, the Ekklesia to move the Church back towards Jerusalem.
Foundational to this is love and unity in The One New Man (TONM), specially between Jew and Gentile, where division was first initiated. And that by addressing this breach first and inviting the mercy of God to restore the family in this place, it will open the door to receiving greater unity, power, and authority in all other areas.
There is a bridge and vital stepping stones for us to cross now that will put us on God’s pathway towards the Lord’s return. We call this message “The Reconnection,” which focuses on the healing and the mercy of God to reunite and mobilize the Body of Messiah/Christ into God’s end-time plans to reform and empower His Ekklesia/Church. The Reconnection message has been hidden in the mystery to awaken Israel, written about in Romans 11. This message is just now coming to light to cause the Body in the nations to Realign with the Remnant of Israel, to reunite the Body of Messiah/Christ.
Over the past 35 years, as a Jewish believer in the Church, the Lord has downloaded this message of Reconnection and Reconciliation on Grant Berry’s heart. He has received a commission from the Lord to bring this good news to the Body of Messiah/Christ. Grant has spent the past six years of his life writing and preparing The Romans 911 Project, which focuses on this message, and now is the time to bring it forth.
The mission and purpose of Reconnecting Ministries are to help bring about this Reconciliation. For this reason, we have developed and produced The Romans 911 Project that fully unpacks this Reconnection and Alignment in TONM. It is an in-depth study program to help the Body fully embrace these teachings.
This is why The Romans 911 Project has been produced. It is a global message for the Church at this time and is life changing for the Body of Messiah/Christ. It comprises two books, a comprehensive study book on all of these issues, and a study guide written in tandem with a 12-14 hr. video teaching series to help the Body embrace this message.
For more about The Romans 911 Project please click here.
Our strategy to release The Reconnection is threefold:
First, to fully unpack The Reconnection message in TONM and simplify it so that anyone can understand it:
Second, to mobilize the Body of Messiah/Christ into this end-time fray to help complete the task:
Third, to establish and raise up more specialized watchmen focuses to assist the Holy Spirit’s initiatives to address the obstacles in the way of this restoration:
All three focuses are brought to light through the Romans 911 teachings.
Sometimes it’s difficult for us to see the changes that will come about from this transformation, but we must not look by sight but rather by faith. Not just for Restoration in TONM, but also for the tearing down of other divisions that have separated and divided the Ekkleisa/Church.
The Romans 911 Project lays out the strategies to help transform the Ekklesia/Church, from its governance to the new wineskin and the new wine Abba wants to pour out on His Body to transform and empower us into our end-time roles. (To fully release the Body into the works of ministry.) The uniting of the prayer movement with the local Church regionally to take back the land spiritually in our communities through prayer, worship, and intercession. The final reforms needed to break the worldly influences off the Ekklesia/Church and prepare the Body for the greatest battles to come in prayer for the last great harvest, for Israel’s salvation, and the Lord’s ultimate return.
None of these end-time focuses will just happen on their own or with God doing everything. While it is apparent God is in charge of all things, He requires partnership to engage in it with Him, that there would be agreement coming up from the Earth for heaven’s assignments to be released.
The Reconnection message helps lay this foundation and open the doors for the Ekklesia/Church in this area. It initiates this Restoration. However, we must begin to understand that this is by no means a quick fix and breaking the Church away from all of the influences that replacement theology and thinking introduced into the Church and the mindset over the past 1700 years will take time to renew. For this reason, once the obstacles and negative influences are broken off of us, which The Romans 911 Project teachings fully focus on, there is a great need to study this Restoration, along with the reforms and modifications it will bring to the Ekklesia/Church.
We must also understand that we are all on a journey here into this transforming time in Yeshua/Jesus’s Body to prepare us for the final changes necessary for His Ekklesia/Church to arise during these ends of days before He returns. There is a huge need here for us to be patient and manifest this quality of love for the rest of God’s family, who has not yet understood. God has a strategy here: to mobilize a praying Remnant to stand in the gap for the rest of His family to be Restored and made ready and let’s never forget that our Father wants none to be lost. The windows and doors of God’s mercy are now open for all those to receive this message, and we must be earnest in our prayers for the rest of God’s family to receive it before it is too late.
Along with the understanding of this Reconnection message is the knowledge and insight that there is no substitute for this Restoration in the family of God, for I would not want to be among those who are still against Israel when the Lord returns. With all sincerity, but also in the fear of the Lord, let us remember that nearly all of the believing communities Yeshua/Jesus spoke to in Revelation needed to come into repentance. There must be a turnabout in the Lord’s Ekklesia/Church at this time for us to be made ready, to be prepared for battle, and the Lord’s return.
As in every other message God gives to us, we have a choice. Pray God we will choose wisely and allow the Father to do the work in all of our hearts that is now necessary for the Yeshua/Jesus’s John 17 prayer to be fulfilled. So ultimately, God may send the fullness of His Glory upon us to complete God’s final plans to Restore the Earth to Himself and us.
This Restoration will require a certain brokenness, repentance, clean hands, and a pure heart with a wholeheartedness that we will need to fill up our lamps so we will be ready when the time comes. However, The Reconnection message is not about what we have done wrong, but instead about what we need to do right!
We also need to understand that embracing The Reconnection message is just the beginning of this process, and there is a lot more for each of us to learn on this new journey. This focus on study is actually for the Remnant, those who have already accepted and are embracing this message.
As I have already stated, 1700 years of replacement thinking is not going away overnight. Once you have been washed of all the negative influences the enemy has had in place to confuse, divide, and separate the Body; there is a great need to renew our hearts and minds into this Reconnection and Alignment in God’s family. There is a great need to study and learn the other reforms for the Ekklesia/Church that God is bringing at this time.
In response to all of our prayers and repentance for ourselves and the Ekklesia/Church and the great need for this Restoration to take place in and through His Body. I believe God is granting us time here to study and pray, not just to understand the message but to become disciples of it, which will take commitment, and discipline on our part. To master the message and learn how to bring it to others. I believe this is how the Father will make His will known through the Remnant to the rest of His family and that this is part of His strategy.
For this reason, at Reconnecting Ministries, aside from us, sounding this Holy Alarm to the Ekklesia/Church to come into this message. We are also putting out a call to the Remnant in the Church and the prayer movement to join us and enter into this time of renewal and study to allow the Father to renew our spirits and minds so that we may test and approve what God’s will is.
This call also applies to all Church and Messianic leadership; otherwise, how can we expect to lead the Body into this transformation unless we have been transformed by it ourselves.
For this reason, we have started several study and prayer expressions for the Body to enter into as the Holy Spirit would lead them. First, we encourage all believers, Churches, Congregations, Bible study, and prayer groups to embrace the Romans 911 Study Guide video teaching series and then to join our monthly virtual Webinar series on The Romans 911 Project.
The Romans 911 Project International Webinar is an interactive study with guest panelists openly discussing and dialoguing these issues through a study of the Romans 911 books. Please visit our home page under Romans 911 and Active Expressions to see how you can get involved. You can join our monthly prayer groups virtually to pray through ONM, Reconnecting, and Reform issues for the Ekklesia/Church. You can also watch our Romans 911 TALKS interviews with various Messianic and Christian leaders. And listen to Grant’s weekly Podcasts on Charisma Magazine.
If you want to go deeper into John 17, love and unity in TONM, The Romans 911 Project Study Guide and Video Teachings are transformational. The series is similar to the Alpha course ( 14-16 hrs) in that Alpha has been created to help believers foundationally in the faith. In contrast, The Romans 911 Project teaching series fully unpacks God’s end-time plans to restore and reform His Ekklesia/Church.
Will you accept The Reconnection challenge, and set yourselves apart to be transformed and renewed into this Restoration in God’s family?
Would you commit to one virtual bible study and one prayer meeting a month to step into The Reconnection in TONM? Click here to sign up. The Reconnection message has end-time consequences for us all!
Please visit our ACTIVE EXPRESSIONS section on the home page of our website to become aware of all of these unique expressions
We welcome all ministry partners to help promote this message. Especially now, as the Body reunites and comes together, there is a great need for greater partnerships in the Ekklesia/Church, to love and support one another. We value your participation and those who have already committed to help promote The Reconnection message and The Romans 911 Project teachings.
A special thank you to all of our ministry partners listed in our Partner Expressions section on our home page. And special thanks to El Shaddai Congregation in Frederick, Maryland, and IHOP Eastern Gate in Cranford, New Jersey, where we taught The Romans 911 Study Guide teachings.
Would you also pray to become one of our monthly Give Chai/Life partners and sow into The Reconnection and The Romans 911 Project to help us bring it forth to the Ekklesia/Church at this time? For more information to Give Chai, please click here and watch our Give Chai Video.
May God’s richest blessing be upon you as you embrace The Reconnection and Alignment in TONM and the family of God.
Reconnecting Ministries
PO Box 855
Armonk, NY 10504