We believe in the Echad of G-d {Genesis 1:26} as declared in the Shema. “A united one,” a composed unity, eternally existent in three distinct personalities of the G-dhead, united as one G-d – The Father who sits upon the throne, the Spirit who is omnipresent {everywhere} and the Son in human form. He came down to the earth from heaven and has been given to the world for redemption as an atonement for our sins once and for all (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 9;1-7; Isaiah 48:16,17; John 14:6-13; 1 John 5:7-13; Hebrews 7:26,27). We believe Yeshua/Jesus is now enthroned with G-d sitting at the right hand of the Father and will not return to the earth again until every enemy is under His feet (1 Corinthian 15:24-25, Romans 8:34, Ephesians 1:20, Hebrews1:3).
We believe that the Bible, composed of the Torah (five books of Moses), the Tenach, the Jewish scriptures (Judges to Malachi), and the Apostolic writings of the New Covenant (Brith Chadasha), is the only infallible and authoritative Word of G-d (Joshua 1:8; Psalms 119:105; 2.Timothy 3:16; Romans 15:4; 2Peter 1:19).
We believe that Yeshua/Jesus gives us entrance into the New Covenant as prophesied by the Jewish prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Isaiah 52:13-53:12). This was fulfilled in His first coming as the Lamb of G-d, through His obedience to death on the crucifixion tree, and His Resurrection. He was sacrificed on Passover, He was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread and He arose on First Fruits. We believe in the Deity of Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus the Messiah as the Son of G-d and that His virgin birth confirmed His authority as the Messiah for all mankind (Isaiah 7:14; Romans 1:16). We believe Yeshua/Jesus is soon to return to the Earth as the Lion of G-d, to sit upon the throne of David to rule the nations from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:1-4:Revelation 5:5).
We believe in the fullness of intimacy with G-d that was promised to us in Yeshua’s mission through the prophet Jeremiah, away from worldly and religious influences and into the power and authority of the Kingdom of G-d upon the Earth.
We believe that in Yeshua/Jesus we find the true and proper extension of Judaism – into the New Covenant; that without Him, Israel is not properly connected to G-d (John 14:6).
We believe in the gifts and the power of the Holy Spirit who demonstrates G-d’s power and presence, both in our hearts, when we accept the new covenant of Yeshua/Jesus and in our midst, when we come together to worship, pray and honor Him. This has life changing results in each of our lives (Jeremiah 31:31-34; John 14:15-17; Galatians 5:13-2).
We believe that the Church does not replace Israel and that we are now living in the days of G-d fulfilling His covenants and promises back to His firstborn children (the Jewish people); that Israels spiritual awakening and our reconnection to remnant of Israel completes the family of G-d and readies the bride for His coming.
We believe that during these days, the Church is called to reconnect with its firstborn brothers and sisters and to the fullness of its identity as a part of Israel. In order to fulfill it’s calling upon the earth to release the mercy and breath of G-d to awaken Israel in the Spirit (Ezekiel 37:9-11; Roman 11:30-32); and to help release the end-time harvest upon the Earth, which are intricately connected and may not have been seen as such up until this time in human history.
We do not believe G-d wants Gentiles to become like Jews, or for Jews to become like Gentiles. Rather we bless both unique expressions of faith into a re-perfected unity in The One New Man, as the Church was originally structured. For G-ds love and liberty to flow freely and for both Jewish and Gentile believers to bless and strengthen one another.
We believe that when a Jewish person comes to faith in Yeshua/Jesus they should not let go of their heritage (Romans 11:17,18,24), but indeed is brought into a new intimacy with the G-d of Abraham by the power of the Holy Spirit. We fully embrace that heritage as being the very roots of our faith, without the legalistic rituals and structure characterized by the Mosaic Covenant. Yeshua/Jesus has made a new and living way for both Jew and Gentile to experience the very presence of G-d within the uniqueness of their separate roles to glorify G-d upon the earth.
We believe and fully support the fivefold gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ephesian 4:11). That we are living in days of a final reformation for the body of Messiah/Christ to be restored to its Apostolic roots and foundations, as the Church was when it first began with a natural connection to Israel and our Hebrew roots.
We believe the bride is to be made ready for the L-rd’s coming and that we need to become more open to the healing, changes and transformations G-d is wanting to work through His body for Yeshua/Jesus to return to us.
In these days, let prayer take center stage that we would give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the Earth (Isaiah 62:6).
Reconnecting Ministries
PO Box 855
Armonk, NY 10504