
Lou Engle shares how he missed this Restoration Message up until this time

Tod McDowell testifies to the need to break off generational antisemitic influences

Jonathan Friz shares his personal story in TONM

Antisemitism Piece from The Romans 911 TALKS

Antisemitism Piece - Tod McDowell

Antisemitism Piece - Dr. Michael Brown

Don Finto shares on the significance of The Israel Piece

Susan Toregrossa helps to expose the negative influences of the mindset of Replacement Theology

Sue Palmer - Testimony from a Watchmen who has been Praying for Israel for 20+ Years

Chris Tranchell - A Jewish’s believers testimony whose love and patience for the Church has been renewed

Michelle Charles - A Seasoned Intercessor Discovers The Father’s Heart for Israel and the Family of God

Daniel Pietroniro - Breakthrough Teachings for the Body of Messiah/Christ and the Ekklesia/Church